Why Velocity Insight?

Why Velocity Insight?

This really happened. It’s easier to teach someone to go to space than to teach someone to drill a well. This is well established in the true life documentary film “Armageddon” in which Bruce Willis saves the earth by hitting TD on an asteroid.  ...
Why API Numbers Make Lousy Corporate Well ID’s

Why API Numbers Make Lousy Corporate Well ID’s

Coming fresh out of yet another client meeting about which number to use as a consistent well ID, I have something to get off my chest. API numbers are useful for many things, but they make LOUSY corporate Well ID’s. Three reasons: Formatting Inconsistent...
Gaining Insights with Cross Functional Data

Gaining Insights with Cross Functional Data

December is chock-full of fun. Crackling fireplaces, holiday ornaments, eggnog, and three major leases expiring under their own terms. Wait…….what?? That’s right. One well, which held 640 acres of leasehold and millions of dollars of PUD value, went down in late...
Power BI vs. Spotfire for Oil and Gas

Power BI vs. Spotfire for Oil and Gas

As a data analytics nerd in O&G, a very common question I get is “Which do you like better, Power BI or Spotfire?” This is a lot like asking me which of my kids I like more: I love them both equally and I couldn’t imagine life without them.  But...