Drilling and Completions Dashboard
Drilling and Completions Dashboard
Combined reports to allow a holistic review of daily well operations.
Operations are an inherently exciting entity for an E&P. Capital dollars are being spent, and everyone wants to know how the drilling rig or frac crew is progressing. Are we under or over AFE? Are we ahead of or behind schedule? How many more days does the frac crew have left? When will the plugs be drilled out? Well Lifecycle systems provide a way to input all of this data, but seeing the high level data can be a chore of either multiple emails or pdf files filling up your downloads folder.
Velocity Insight’s made-to-order Operations Summary report brings different operational job type data together and to light.
Reduce the need for morning meeting powerpoint slides and engineers reading daily reports out loud with no context of whether 8 days to intermediate casing point is a pacesetter or back of the pack. See the highlights of yesterday’s operations vs. plan in an easy to see visual, allowing the operations team to focus on any one project that may need additional attention.
Which frac crew had the most NPT yesterday?
Which drilling rig is the farthest ahead or behind plan?
How do the currently active projects compare to AFE?
Are the field estimates capturing costs effectively?
Click through the report to try it out.
How does it work?
Velocity Insight is a data management and analytics consulting firm that helps move, store, QC, and visualize your data.
Our data experts work with your team to build on top of your existing tech stack, including:
- WellView
- WellEZ
- Petrosight
- OpenWells
- RigReports
Each of our reports is customized to fit your exact needs and can be modified to highlight the key performance indicators most important to you. The result is instantaneous data to help you make better decisions.

Operations Manager Summary to Hourly Data
Quickly ascertain the level of detailed review that is needed for each project without scrolling through a four-page morning report with tables of survey information. Drilling Rigs are all on plan and under budget – check; Workover Rigs drilling out plugs are on track with no major NPT – check; Completions has had 3 screen-outs on a single well – let’s huddle up and see if we can diagnose the issue and prevent it for the next stage.
Consistent Morning Report Format & Delivery
Receiving dozens of reports each morning that you only need 5-10% of information from and having to make sense of them before the daily meetings? Is an operations tech spending an hour every morning compiling data into an evergreen powerpoint that cannot be used to analyze data from the last well or pad? One emailed report did not come in and you now need to access the clunky slow software and find one data point? Gathering data that you need for your morning should be done for you in a custom BI report, providing a foundation for further detailed insights if needed.
Transform Well Lookbacks
Significantly reduce the arduous task of compiling drilling and completions data for a six-well pad by adding pad level comparisons for performance and cost by moving into the data age. Which well had the lowest FR usage? Which well had the fastest intermediate drilling phase? Which well had the fastest lateral BHA? Which well had the lowest average treating pressure? With a few additional custom pages, answer these questions and more without scrolling through data entry fields for each well.
QC Crucial Data with a Glance
With a multi-rig + frac crew program running, time during the work day is short and should be optimized. Reduce manual combing of reports for data QC by choosing the top data items to review and transition from well to well with a simple slicer. Bring Last Survey Depth and Ending Wellbore Depth and Time Log Depth side by side to ensure that there are no egregious typos at a glance for that afternoon executive report. No one wants to be presenting an erroneous Days vs. Depth graph with the data point at 200,000’ instead of 20,000’.
Drilling and Completions Dashboard
Take the next step
We’ll start by talking about your company needs and existing software.
Then we’ll customize our drilling and completions dashboard based on your price range and needs.
Finally, VI helps you connect to your data and trains you to use the tool.
About Velocity Insight
Velocity Insight is a full-stack, full-function data management and analytics consulting firm. We’re not a software company – we help you get the most out of the tools you already pay for.
We combine three things to enable durable data transformations with our clients: deep O&G expertise, state-of-the-art tools, and real-world experience. With hard-earned oil and gas industry knowledge and experience digging in and implementing better processes, we have the trophies (and scars) to successfully meet our clients where they are.
Since every company has its own nuances, we charge a low fixed fee for the template, then work with you to configure the template to your system. Fixed fees range from $20k to $100k based on company size, plus Time and Materials to customize for your environment. Reach out to start building a Scope of Work and get a full cost estimate!
Contact us today to start customizing a sample drilling and completions report to fit your needs.
Learn more about working with templates through Velocity Insight.